Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zimbabwe: Hospitals Now Death Traps – Says Chamisa

OPPOSITION Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa has said reviving the country’s deteriorating health system is one of his top priorities once elected into power during the August 23 elections.

Chamisa who was speaking during his party’s rally in Silobela on Friday said it’s insensitive for the country’s leaders to seek medical attention in foreign countries and eventually dying in those country’s after they would have neglected their own health systems back home.

Former President Robert Mugabe died in Singapore where he frequented for medical check-ups and treatments while Vice-President Constatino Chiwenga has in the past received extensive medical treatment in China, South Africa and India.

“Our hospitals must not be death traps, our hospitals must save lives. What we have on the ground currently is very saddening. We have a crumbled health system which has been allowed to collapse following years of neglect.

“Our leaders whenever they want medical attention they travel to South Africa, they travel to India. That will not be happening in our new government, we are going to restore our health systems so that we will retain our doctors who fled the country due to poor working conditions caused by an incompetent government,” Chamisa said.

“I find it strange that African doctors prefer to die in foreign countries where they will be seeking better treatment while they allow their own health systems to collapse,” he said.

CCC supporters chanting party slogans during a political rally on Friday