Saturday, July 27, 2024

South Africa: Cosatu Leader Tells Govt to Listen to Union Demands or Face the Results At the 2024 Polls

Union members march in cities across the country on Thursday

Hundreds of public sector workers and other members of unions affiliated to the Congress of SA Trade Unions (COSATU) marched through the streets of major cities on Thursday. They are demanding that the government urgently address rising unemployment rates, wage cuts and inequality, and attacks on collective bargaining, among other things.

The unions are also demanding the government implement the recommendations of the Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.

In Cape Town, more than 100 people marched, holding up posters reading, “We demand an end to gang violence in our areas”, “Pay us danger allowance now” and “No to rise in fuel prices”, on their way from Hanover Street to the provincial legislature and then to Parliament.

Kenny Williams, of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU), said schools in poor Western Cape communities are still battling with overcrowding and lack of resources.

“We’ve marched about these issues in the past and had protests. It’s clear that this government does not care about the poor,” he said.

Protesters became restless after waiting outside the legislature for about 30 minutes for Reagen Allen, MEC for Community Safety and Police Oversight, to collect their memorandum. When no one from Allen’s office came out, COSATU provincial secretary Malvern De Bruyn said they would take the matter up with the Office of the Premier.

When the group got to Parliament, Gcina Matakane, advisor in the Speaker of the National Assembly’s office, was there to receive the memo. He promised to give it to the Speaker, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula.

In Johannesburg, marchers included members of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU), the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU), and the South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU).

COSATU national organising secretary Thabo Mahlangu said, “Society is angry with what is happening around the country. If the government does not take our warnings seriously, they must expect the consequences, and one of them will be at the elections next year.

“Government has been stubborn about filling existing vacancies in the public sector. People are complaining about poor service at government offices and forget that there is a shortage of manpower.”

SACCAWU member Steve Zwane said he had joined the march out of frustration with working conditions. He said he earns R9,000 per month and struggles to support his family as the cost of living continues to rise.

“The electricity tariffs are killing us. The price of food is soaring. There are a number of issues that have forced us to drop everything and come to the streets today.

“I am the sole breadwinner. We are being short-changed as workers. I got my salary at month end, but I’m already broke. We deserve more as workers,” said Zwane.