Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Nigeria: Tribunal Verdict – Save Kano From Chaos, Islamic Clerics Warn

Prominent Islamic scholars in the North have implored politicians, particularly those of the governing All Progressives Congress (APC), to thread softly on issues pertaining to the outcome of Kano State governorship election tribunal which nullified the election of Governor Abba Kabir.

The clerics who reacted separately to the outcome of the poll, described the judgment as a subversion of the will of the people who freely voted the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) candidate in the last governorship poll in the state.

Accordingly, they implored President Bola Ahmed Tinubu not to succumb to the antics of some top ranking politicians of the APC extraction who may be persuading him to undermine the mandate of the people of Kano as the matter goes on appeal.

The clerics alleged that having studied the judgment of the tribunal, they were convinced that an elaborate scheme had been put in motion to snatch the state illegally from the NNPP through connivance with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Tension In Kano As Tribunal Sacks Gov Yusuf

They accused top members of the ruling party of holding clandestine meetings to subvert the will of the people of Kano State using federal might as the matter goes on appeal.

One of the Islamic scholars, Sheik Ahmed Bello Musa, said the people of Kano State, from all indications, resoundingly voted for the New Nigeria Peoples Party and not the APC.

He noted: “We are calling on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu not to yield to the antics of prominent members of the APC who are trying to drag him into an elaborate scheme aimed at subverting the will of the people by snatching Kano which they clearly lost through the judiciary.